Intake Notes
Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital
Patient: James Haye
Douglas Banks, PhD
J.H., a homicide detective with the N.Y.P.D., was hospitalized after he shot and killed Jose’ Polanco, elder brother of Andre Polanco, who J.H. believes murdered his partner, Marcus McNeil.
When J.H. was arrested, he described seeing demonic faces that “screamed at me (sic),” and caused him to shoot Jose’ Polanco.
This clinician suspects J.H. of malingering, and belieyes the demons are an invention to eliminate culpability for the shooting.
J.H. is a veteran, but did not report symptoms or experiences that would indicate Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
He had no criminal record prior to arrest, but at the time of arrest, he was abusing prescription pain medications.
Staff indicates that J.H. is often sarcastic and aloof, aligning with staff instead of interacting with other patients.